Guys, my baby turns one this month.
How is that even possible??
Because we don’t share his actual birth date, I’m going to be dropping a few special posts into this space over the next two weeks, culminating with his first birthday party (which is less of a blow out bash and more of a “thank all the things that we all survived the past twelve months” get together with close friends and family).
With all that being said, I have to tell ya’ll a teensy secret.
I may or may not have picked out a little something to commemorate my first year of Motherhood.
Ok, I did.
Let’s be real, I’m super proud of myself for handling my pregnancy with (a teeny bit of) grace, maintaining (pretty much none of) my dignity in the first few weeks of my postpartum haze and for excelling (translation: barely surviving) during the craziness that has happened throughout the babe’s first year.
So it seems a little treat or trinket is in order, don’t you think?
Luckily, just the thing popped up on my Instagram feed just a few weeks ago and I knew my “You Did It!” present to myself was in the bag.
Wanna see it?
Behold, the Perfect Catch Cuff
Hand made by the cutest company, Watts in Maine, out of the brass tool that Maine Lobstermen used to determine if a lobster is long enough to keep, this bracelet is the perfect talisman to represent my boy. As luck would have it, I think he’s perfect and I just so happen to love celebrating his Mainer roots (you know, now that we don’t actually have to live there and all).
Add the fact that the cutest couple on Earth works so hard to make a
truly Maine made product (and share all that is beautiful about Maine
with masses) and I just couldn’t resist the call of the Cuff. Plus, we
all know that shopping small is my jam and Kylie is the type of small
business owner that I love – she is constantly supporting and promoting
her fellow makers, movers and shakers – a girl after my own heart (ya’ll, when you check out the Watts in Maine Facebook page, you will see that Kylie and Dave are in Alaska….and she is representing with her Maine made products like whoa).
truly Maine made product (and share all that is beautiful about Maine
with masses) and I just couldn’t resist the call of the Cuff. Plus, we
all know that shopping small is my jam and Kylie is the type of small
business owner that I love – she is constantly supporting and promoting
her fellow makers, movers and shakers – a girl after my own heart (ya’ll, when you check out the Watts in Maine Facebook page, you will see that Kylie and Dave are in Alaska….and she is representing with her Maine made products like whoa).
In case you’re wondering, the width of the cuff is perfection and it’s sturdy nature makes it perfect for my not so gentle approach to wearing jewelery. I rock it all day, every day – with my leggings and when I wear a real outfit (ie, my mom jeans). I may have slept in it once or twice. What can I say? I’m the laziest jewelry wearer of all time.
Oh, and recently, some fashion savvy person who shops at places besides Target and Old Navy told me that the nautical look is just so in. #nailedit.
Uh, bonus, because the bracelet is made of brass it can be shined up with regular old vinegar. Got caught in the cross hairs of a baby vs. squeeze pouch situation? No worries, this beauty will shine right up. I wish the rest of my baubles would take note.
So, what do you think, mamas? Some smart, freshly sprung from Labor and Delivery newly minted mommy came up with a Push Present, do we need to make the You Survived the First Year of Motherhood (and didn’t completely lose your marbles) Present happen?
Yes, we do.
Many thanks to Watts in Maine for sending me my Perfect Catch Cuff to celebrate my top notch first year of mothering.
Take a peek at Kylie and Dave’s story here
Follow Watts in Maine on Instagram and Facebook because I have a tiny hunch that their little company is about to get crazy huge.
All of these gorgeous shots were taken by the adorable Christa Rene Photography
this is so cute! i love the story behind the bracelet and it sounds like the perfect gift for surviving the first year (um yes, totally stealing that idea too) xo jillian – cornflake dreams
Nice, definitely a great find!! 🙂 Totally in love with this bracelet, just wish it was in this stay-at-home mama's budget 😉 Someday though!
When you tell him about his Maine roots, you're going to have to plan a trip up to show him Dysarts – that may just be the most important thing! 😉
Gorgeous!!! Love love love it! This has inspired me to make sure to get myself a little something-something this month when Mim turns one! Happy birthday to mama!
Most definitely! Yeah, I live in South Florida. Being pregnant last summer was like making the decision to walk into a furnace in a parka, so lovely, lol. My body temperature is a few notches higher than the regular person, so, that plus the extra 40 lbs I was carrying made it for a very interesting few months.
oh doll, want to come tell my husband just how deserving I am?? 😉 xoxoxoxo
they really are the best, aren't they?? besides making us be pregnant in the dead of summer and all 😉 congrats to you too, mama! xo
Actually, it's kind of funny how I found Watts in Maine on Insta – I follow quite a few Maine makers and photographers and was flipping through the Ropes In Maine feed when I accidentally bumped the little down arrow next to their name – up popped three new Maine made/maker feeds and one was Watts! I love celebrating the babe's home state – he has a moose in his room – and I can't wait to tell him about our Northern Adventure when he gets older.
I love that this is can be shined up and kept looking fresh always! You totally deserve it after these moves and renovations!
Wouldn't be surprised if you had found Wattsinmaine through my post, I've been following them for the last few months 🙂 Such a beautiful idea for such a beautiful bracelet!
Congratulations on making it through the first year of motherhood, it's a tough one. Happy birthday to your little man!
I absolutely love that idea! This month will also mark a year of me "surviving, barely, but I made it, kinda" motherhood. It's incredible how this parenting thing can make you feel like you are losing your mind at the same time that you know you could never live without this little person. Congratulations on making it to a year! July babies really are the best, not that I'm biased or anything.