Let’s be honest, some days are better than others.
Some days, I crush this whole being a mom things. I also manage to hold up my end of the marriage bargain and can say that I was a responsive and supportive friend (via text to, like, my two total friends, so don’t be too impressed)

And then there are days where I feel like this:
Full on Mom Collapse.
For some reason, Tuesday night was one of those nights. 
Too many diaper changes with a banshee baby who just cannot with the diaper changes and made a head first dive off of the changing table to escape a cool wipe (I caught him with my cat like reflexes and then immediately wished for a cocktail),  a dinner that just couldn’t be anything other than burned, no matter how hard I tried and a husband who only wanted to discuss his fantasy football team.
I just couldn’t.
We put the baby to bed and I told Justin the living room TV was all his. 
I needed a night to be left alone.  
And do this:
Fun Fact: I was in the Theater Club in high school and participated in (yes, participated, no starring here to say the least) six musicals. And I can still sing all of the words to every one (except Pirates of Penzance, because it’s terrible) and have been known to pass the time on a long (solo, obv) car trip by listening to entire show soundtracks from start to finish. And by listening, I clearly mean singing them at the top of lungs, sometimes more than once so that I can sing all of the best parts.
So obviously, I’m a huge Pitch Perfect fan. 
Let it be known that I actually went to see it in theaters by myself because we had just moved, didn’t have a sitter and I wasn’t missing it. Off to the theater I went for a Sunday Matinee leaving the boys at home with promises of a pizza reward if they were on their best behavior and didn’t burn down our temporary apartment complex while I was gone. 
Ok, back to my no good, terrible mom day that required a happy moment of solitude.
I made this for dinner:
Put on my ode to Fat Amy pajamas and my best I’m not playing with either of you tonight face 
and got into bed. 
Look at that! A happy Stephanie, sans make up, about to stuff her face with fist fulls of extra butter popcorn and lay right in the middle of the bed, starfish style. Ah, living the dream. 

In case you’re wondering, no husbands or babies were neglected in the making of this post.
Quite frankly, I’m pretty sure they were each content to get a night of solitude under their belts as well. Now, off you go to Wal-Mart to grab the Deluxe Box set of Pitch Perfect 2 because it comes with a CD of greatest hits from both movies. And what better way to drown out a baby crying in the back seat than cranking some A cappella? 
Aca’scuse me? 
You heard me, go get it. 
Here are the deets:
 Head to Walmart to grab the exclusive Pitch Perfect 2 Blu-Ray/Soundtrack combo pack. Soundtrack includes some of your favorite songs from Pitch Perfect and Pitch Perfect 2 (while supplies last)
Disclosure: This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Universal Pictures Home Entertainment, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #ThePitchesatWMT https://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV