So, you may have noticed that I wasn’t around this little space a ton last week. I wanted to be, trust me, but I was being held hostage by my current nemesis: baby molars. By the end of the week, Gray managed to cut 4 molars at the same time. Four. Molars. My poor babe was struggling.
It’s safe to say that I was Captain of the Hot Mess Express and we were all about to go down with the ship. With no vehicles (we eventually got a rental car, which I am still rocking) and no parenting partner at my disposal, I had to figure out a way to outsource a few things or we were going to find ourselves completely out of all of the things that were soothing us: baby pain relievers,
smoothies, milk and cinnamon raisin toast.
Seeing as convincing my parents to move to town is off the table, I turned to Shipt.
Never heard of it? Well get this: Shipt is a grocery delivery service that delivers groceries from Publix as soon as an hour after you place your order to your home. I am happy to admit that even when my toddler is not teething, he is still, you know, a toddler, so grocery shopping with him in tow tests my parenting skills to the max. Having someone handle the dirty work while I drag my baby out of the dishwasher is an ok deal with me.
Shipt is new to Greenville so this was my first experience using their services and there is no shame in my game: I am hooked. You shop on the Shipt app, create your grocery list, add your preferences per item (you can specify how you prefer your deli meat sliced) and a Shipt shopper does the rest. As a bonus, you can use your app to store your grocery list as you run out of things and just hit Purchase when you’re ready to order. I made my grocery list in the parking lot of the car service shop and had it scheduled for delivery around the time I hoped we would be home.
Thankfully, I was able to purchase all of the infant pain reliever, Starbucks K Cups (no vehicle, no Starbucks drive through) and gallons of milk that Publix had to offer and my Shipt delivery was dropped of (by Sarah) just an hour and a half later.
and no, we still don’t have blinds.
Now that I’m thinking about it, I honestly think this would be the best gift ever for new parents. Especially new parents who have just welcomed their second (or third) baby. I may just be making a Shipt gift certificate my new go to birthing present (in case you’re wondering, I currently give Starbucks gift cards, would you expect anything less?).
Ok, because I loved my experience with Shipt so much, I sweet talked them into doing a little something special for those of you who were faithful enough to make it through this ramble of a post – enter the code OLIVETATE when you sign up at Shipt for $10 in free groceries on your first order. Similar to Amazon Prime/Now, Shipt memberships can be purchased for a yearly rate of $99 or $14/month.
Now go forth and spend your time somewhere besides the check out line!
Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by Shipt and I was provided a membership so that I could review my experience. All opinions and thoughts reflected in this post are obviously mine and mine alone.
P.S. We are working with the Blab team live to ensure this week’s Taboo Mom Talk goes off without a hitch so make sure you join us Tuesday at 8pm EST. Click here to subscribe!
I'd love to have something like this in our area! I'd use it constantly to avoid going out with a newborn and toddler.
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I've used the Amazon delivery service before and it was genius. I'll have to look into Shipt for when I have a newborn in July. I did put one of those cute shopping cart infant blankets on my registry, but really would prefer to avoid the scene. Thanks!
I love Shipt! I've used it several times already, and know that it will be a life saver once the baby comes.
This!!! I definitely need to try this. I was going to give blur apron a shot but this would be better IMO! Thanks
This is simply brilliant. I wish we had it in my area! And I hope your cars feel better soon!