1. Folding Loveseat | 2. Portable Neck Fan | 3. First Aid Kit
4. Clip on Umbrella | 5. Insulated Water Bottle | 6. Heated Seat Pad
7. Stadium Seat Back with Cupholder | 8. Clear Stadium Bag | 9. Outdoor Waterproof Blanket
10. Pop Up Chair Tent | 11. Compact Rain Jacket with Hood | 12. Double Folding Chair with Sunshade
13. All Terrain Wagon
Welcome to Fall Sports Season! Whether you’re a Sports Mom, Dad, Grandma, or simply a sports enthusiast, this list is packed with essential items. You’ll find timeless game-time favorites and exciting new options for enhanced comfort and warmth. 
We’ve all attended games and wished for something to make us more comfortable, and this list has got you covered. The days of freezing during soccer and football games are over. No more achy backs or lapping up the little ones for space either. Sideline products have come a long way, and I’ve handpicked the best to make your game day experience even better. 
So, what will you end up picking from this list of game-changing essentials? lol Get it? Game-changing?! haha. 
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1. Folding LoveseatA folding chair is a game day and practice essential. However, if you’re with a group of more than one person, the worst feeling is having to carry around multiple chairs or dealing with limited seating. A Folding Loveseat is the perfect solution. Plus, if you prefer not to leave bags lying around, then conveniently lay them next to you, keeping your belongings secure! Safe and practical. This one has a high weight capacity and is comfy for all body types!

2. Portable Neck Fan: I’m not an aerodynamics expert by any means but I find that some of these gyms and stadiums literally become an overheated oven at times. No airflow, plus loud parents and lots of sweat is just a nightmare. I like the idea of taking my grumpy walk Portable Neck Fan with me and it becomes my own personal ventilation and air conditioner. 

3. First Aid Kit: This pick is really an essential if there ever was one. A First Aid Kit is a necessary item every parent on the planet should own and if possible multiple kits in various places. Think car and home for starters. These games can really be intense and accidents happen. It’s always better to be prepared. 

4. Clip on Umbrella: I don’t like rain and I’m not a fan of a blazing sun either. If you can relate then having a Clip on Umbrella is amazing. You can use it as a regular umbrella while walking to and from your location and once you’re situated you clip on and sit dry. It also attaches to wagons to keep goodies nice and dry too! 
5. Insulated Water Bottle: This is self explanatory – you know for coffee of course! Stay hydrated my friends haha.

6. Heated Seat Pad: GAME-CHANGER! Have you ever endured a frozen tush on those hard, cold metal stadium seats?! Those days are absolutely over. I would even use this on a folding chair set up. 

7. Stadium Seat Back with Cupholder: I love this Stadium Seat Back with Cupholder for all my older Sports Nanas and Pop Pops. Granted it’s not just the grandparents with back issues but let’s focus on them for now (haha). Having them at games is already a blessing so making them comfortable is key to everyone having a great time.

8. Clear Stadium Bag: Clear Stadium Bags are becoming the new norm. In case your school stadium has this clear bag rule in place you’re good to go and honestly it really does make looking for things really easy when you’re in a rush. 

9. Outdoor Waterproof Blanket: I know the first thought of an Outdoor Waterproof Blanket is to bundle up with it but you can also use this a mat for kids to play and sit on when temps drop. No need to fuss and sit on the damp, cold grass.

10. Pop Up Chair Tent: For the lone rangers who like to have their private quarters during games. This Pop Up Chair Tent closes up, has clear sidings for the view, and holds up to wind. 
11. Compact Rain Jacket with Hood: Grab this, leave it in your car for emergencies and thank me later!
12. Double Folding Chair with Sunshade: If the love seat isn’t for you, then this is a fabulous option. Two separated folding chairs in one set up with a mini storage space and sunshade. 

13. All Terrain Wagon: The Wagons of all Wagons. An All Terrain Wagon for Sports Mom, Beach Mom, Park Mom, Snack Day Mom…I think you get the point. This bad boy is equipped to easily accompany you throughout all areas with easy set up, and ample space.