How Far Along: 15 weeks
Size of Babe: an orange
(that sounds huge to me!)
Gender: we will know for sure in exactly 10 days!
Symptoms: super crazy hormones coupled with a touch of anxiety (fun!), nesting, major headaches, “growing pains”, some food aversions – raw meat still makes me run from the kitchen, still having super weird and vivid dreams
Loving: an occasional non-alcoholic beer! I’ve had two in the last few weeks and having a beer in a bottle makes me feel a bit like my old self when we’re out with friends. Also loving that the sun has been out a bit this week in Maine and going to bed early to watch reality tv
Loathing: cleaning my house. It just never ends thanks to the black dog and the 100 year old vents.
Husband: oh man, does my husband need this trip coming up! He is definitely in need of a true break from work…he’s been working so hard since we moved here and it just seems to never end with this particular job. I can’t wait to have him trapped in Mexico without his work phone. Some days I dream of throwing that work phone into the Penobscott River.
On the baby front, he’s doing a great job dealing with my weird pregnancy emotions…and was surprised the other day when he hugged me and my belly bumped him. He said, “oh! there’s a baby in there!”
Wedding Rings: On
Belly Button: I noticed yesterday that my belly button is starting to look like a fat man cave
style belly button through thinner fabric. I always layer with a tank top as a tall girl but it is mandatory now. gross.
Maternity Clothes: nope but I did purchase a belly band and maternity tights at Target yesterday in preparation for our Charleston wedding next week. Some of my higher waisted jeans are out these days but my favorite Hudson skinnies and my old faithful Citizens of Humanity jeggings are still holding strong.
Best Part of the Week: trying on all of my summer sun dresses and cover ups to find that they all still fit and will accommodate my bump! Frankly, that will make a girl feel good! Packing up and organizing for Mexico forced me to have a try on session and I still haven’t been brave enough to try on bikinis….I’ll just have to pack them all and wing it when I get there!
Worst Part of the Week: my “growing pains” happened to start with a vengeance in conjuction with my first set of flights with the babe on board. I panicked a bit but luckily had my doppler and was able to check on baby W immediately. Everything was fine, just weird timing, but I was a hot mess. Thank god for that doppler.
Missing Most: wine…and in anticipation for next week, Corona Light with lime
Can’t Wait: to blow this popsicle stand! As of Saturday at the crack of dawn, we’ll be headed way south and I honestly can’t wait…warm weather, constant sun, sunset after 4pm and a work free husband. Yes please!
So, my bump is def not as obvious in these pics as it is in real life. These days, it’s all about what I wear…perfect example: the pics below were taken about 20 mins after the pics above…different outfit, bigger bump…
I love the shirt you're wearing in the first bump pictures 🙂 And a trip to Mexico sounds so nice. I bet the warm weather will be a welcome change!
cute cute bump! You look wonderful!
you are so cute! makin' me miss having a baby bump 🙂
You look gorgeous! Glad things are going well, and so awesome you have a vacation coming up 🙂
Looking gorgeous!! How exciting you get to find out the gender in 10 days!!
Have an amazing time in Mexico :)) Soak all the sunshine – wish I was going, so tired of all this snow and gloomy winter weather!
You're such a precious pregnant lady 🙂 I can't wait to find out what you're having!
Such a cute bump! I can't imagine how excited you guys must be to go to Mexico!