So, we have officially survived the plague. 
For the record, these are our “we’re not sick anymore” faces:

I don’t know what curse was placed upon our household, but both the baby and I were stricken with two different viruses simultaneously. It. was. ugly. 
And looked a little like this:
Anyway, it was a rogue week but we made it.
I’m super behind on all things life, including blogging, so forgive me if this week feels a lot like catch up. I have two million to do lists lined up and ready roll for tomorrow morning so I’m hopeful that I’m getting this train wreck back on track ASAP. 
In the meantime, let’s discuss our weekend.
We weren’t able to swing a trip to Clemson this weekend thanks to doctors appointments and a runny nosed babe, but we did manage to make up for it with a man trip to Target to buy all of the snacks for game time at home. It seems that all of the frozen pizzas came home to live in my freezer and all of the costumes spent a moment or two on my kid’s head.
On Sunday, we showered and dressed in real outfits (some of us for the first time in a week)
 and made our way to brunch. 
We brunched our faces off and one of us brunched himself into a nap. 
Naps sounded like a fabulous idea so off we went to our separate corners of our home to nap off our week from hell.  
I snagged drinks with a new mom friend tonight and feel ready to show this week what’s up. Don’t ask me to stand by that tomorrow before coffee, but it sounds good for now. 
See you kids tomorrow!