Ya’ll, can I tell you a secret? I am of course super excited to get married and celebrate this weekend full of festivities with our amazingly supportive friends and families……but….I literally can.not.wait. to leave for our honeymoon. Why? Because I have no idea where we are going.
10 months ago, Justin told me that he wanted to plan our honeymoon as a surprise for me – so that I would have one less thing to worry about our stress over during the planning process. He originally wanted me to pack a cold bag and a warm bag and spent a few months teasing me that we were honeymooning in Alaska. That ceased to be funny the day he told me we were moving to Maine.
Aruba |
Here’s what I do know:
we will take at least 2 flights (one time he told me 3)
once our last flight lands, we need to take a boat to get to our final destiantion
we are going for 2 weeks
we need our passports
it’s somewhere that I’ve never been
So, a warm bag it is! Every single female that I know has asked me What On Earth I’m going to pack – I’ve packed 12 bikinis (too many??), cover ups, anything in my closet that falls into the “resort wear” category and like 10 pairs of shoes.
He is holding our passports, made all flight reservations and is adamant that I will not know where we are going until we literally get there.
New York City |
I consider myself hard to surprise because I like (ok, need) to know everything but I will say that this is without a doubt the Best Surprise Of All Time.
Any guesses on where we are headed?? Comment below! Our friends have been guessing for 10 months and I love to hear the dream honeymoon destinations that everyone comes up with!
We take off on Monday so make sure the check the blog on Tuesday to find out where in the world we are!
Today we’re off to get our marriage license!
Charleston, where we met |
My guess is Belize…went there for one of our stops on the last cruise. Great place for a honeymoon! By the way, David did the EXACT thing for our honeymoon…I did not have a clue until we arrived! We had our honeymoon night in a beautiful room at the Williamsburg Inn and then flew out the next day to Miami…then caught a puddle jumper to Key West! Boy did he have me guessing!
I have an idea where you're going 😉
Greek isles!
The Seychelles?! Greek isles?!
I would say Tahiti or Bora Bora but it will take more than 2 flights!! Maybe a small island in Hawaii or Peter Island in the BVIs.
Bora Bora! And if you end up there look for Jess because she is there on her honeymoon! Congrats! xoxox
Tahati????? XXOO 🙂