Happy December Ya’ll!

I am so excited that we have finally hit the month of December and my Christmas decorations can be liberated from the basement (yeeeees, I am one of those people who refuses to decorate until after Thanksgiving because I think Thanksgiving deserves a shot at glory).

Speaking of Thanksgiving, our families will be pleased to hear that I did not let Justin or Mark starve and managed to incorporate each of the traditions and requests those boys threw at me.
In true Southern fashion, Justin and Mark stood outside in the arctic temperature and deep fried our cajun butter infused turkey.

 There’s a turkey in there!

who authorized a corn hole break!?


My parents have often deep fried our turkey and I requested that Justin look into frying ours up this year. Part of my reasoning was selfish: we have one regular sized oven and I honestly couldn’t have cooked a giant turkey and all of our sides….so out into the yard went the bird and the boys.

For Thanksgiving Dinner, it was just our little family: Justin, Mark and me.

I was so excited to pull out our wedding china!
Tablescape in progress…

Our menu included: my Crock Pot Mac & Cheese, green bean casserole, homemade cranberry sauce, canned cranberry sauce (for Justin), mashed potatoes, stuffing/dressing, cajun fried turkey, 7Up Biscuits and rolls.

I set up a biscuit bar with three jams (two local to Maine and one made by my Mother In Law) and local honey…a perfect way to dress up my 7Up Biscuits

Homemade 7Up Biscuits and Rolls that are a favorite of Justin’s family

Justin’s request: gravy in the cow creamer we received as an engagement gift from one of our fave couples… 

We stuffed our faces, left the plates on the dining room table and promptly fell asleep in the living room.

Seriously, all three of us, out for the count.
Thankfully, I woke up 30 minutes before we were expecting about 15 people for Friendsgiving….
The house was barely cleaned from Thanksgiving dinner in time, but we pulled it off.

We are so thankful that we already have such a large and festive group of friends in Maine. Many drinks were consumed, cookies eaten and stories told. And the snow held off until the next day!

I would have to declare our first married Thanksgiving a success!

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