Moving again.
I honestly can’t verbalize the crazy train of emotions that sentence brings to the surface.
Exhaustion is currently the front runner, so I’m going with that.
Our new house is……coming along.
We’ve grabbed a few last minute things (these bar stools are my fave budget friendly dupe so far) with what is left of our budget (so, zero dollars) and we’re scrambling to make sure that we have all of our fixtures and hardware in place.
Construction absolutely must be finished by Thursday afternoon so that we can pass our occupancy inspection.
No pass, no people.
Our crap can move in but we can’t.
That would mean a jaunt in a hotel until we can pass (note that we are working dangerously close to a weekend here) and ain’t nobody got time for that.
So, what’s left on the mandatory agenda on the construction site?
Granite instal, back splash install, hard wood floors in at least half of the house, second coats of paint on the fireplace/bedrooms/play room, instal of the powder bath, install all kitchen appliances, install all laundry room appliances, install of all overhead lighting and wall sconces, all closet hardware, all doorknobs, laundry room pocket door install, play room french door install, replace the wrong kitchen drawers for the right ones, finish all trim over kitchen cabs, glass cabinet face install, guest bath shower hardware install, guest bath toilet install, guest bath vanity/mirror/faucet/lights install, new windows throughout and HVAC completion.
So, yeah.
I’m honestly not so confident that everyone will make that happen in time.
Justin and 6 other various craftsmen are currently at the house (it’s 8:15 pm as I type) and everyone will be pulling very late nights to pull this deadline off.
Why not push the move back?
Well, we can’t.
First of all, we are only renting our apartment through the end of this month and secondly, we aren’t the bosses of our move. Since we are moving with a corporate relocation, we really don’t have any say in the scheduling of the move. The truck is coming, ready or not.
Please, Holy Hannah, let us be more ready than not.
I’m going to try to blog this week but if I’m MIA, you’ll know where I am (Lowe’s) and where to find me (Instagram).
I just finished reading your entire blog from beginning to end and I was thinking about your move all weekend! I hope you passed all of your inspections!
wowzahh im hoping they get everything done! we're moving on friday and im stressed out bc we cant get the carpeting installed until next tuesday… i guess my family is going to camp out in the dining room 🙁
xo jillian – cornflake dreams
Girl….this is making me need alcohol. Good luck!
Oh Lord. There's ALWAYS something. But mama all the finishes you're choosing…aaaaare DIVINE! xx
Good luck friend! Thursday is so close!! Eekk!
Ally – Life as I know it
Oh my gosh! This sounds like the crazy reno shows on HGTV. I really really really hope you are able to move in on the scheduled date. The contractors on HGTV always seem to finish in the nick of time so I'm sure it will all work out! Good luck!
Ahh!! Good luck! Sounds so stressful!!!
oh a nail biter! Good luck…
Good luck with the moving in! I got my fingers crossed for you, that you guys can move in soon! I hate being displaced, but the progress on the house looks wonderful.
Oh how I remember those days! Stressful as h…! Anyways, it will all work out and if not, you will be in soon enough and it will all be a distant memory. Loving the new kitchen! Take a deep breath and exhale!
Ahhh! Good luck 🙂 It will be beautiful… I can't wait to see the finished product!