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What’s up, friends?
So this weekend was one for the books – I took my old, tired, mom ass to the beach with a bunch of 25 year olds to celebrate my soon to be sister in law’s last few days as a single woman.
I barely kept up.
But I survived.
Mostly thanks to this:
I bombed back home just in time to ensure that my husband and son survived their first weekend home alone together and to give my husband a little Father’s Day loving c/o the babe.
Seeing as it’s Monday, today seems like the perfect day to catch ya’ll up on a few housekeeping items around here.
1. So, some of you have reached out to me to say that Olive & Tate blog posts no longer show up on your Bloglovin’ Reader. How you are surviving day to day without hearing me blab about something pointless, I’ll never know, but if this is happening to you, I have a solution. So, Bloglovin’ auto generates their blog page listings and after Newlyweds:North became Olive & Tate, a new page was automatically created for the new blog address. If you are following along on the account that has the old .blogspot address, you may be missing out. Some of you aren’t having an issue with the switch and are following along just peachy with old settings. If that’s you then rock out. If you don’t see my eloquent and witty headlines pop up in your reader a few times a week, then pop over to the new Bloglovin’ page and give that shiz a follow.
2. This week may just be the week that I finally have a reveal post ready for one of the spaces in the new house! I know ya’ll are sick of seeing pics of boxes and construction worker’s butt cracks so thanks for being patient and waiting this out with me. We are still not done (I wanted to actually say that we are nowhere near done but I know my husband will say that’s being dramatic) but I think we might just be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe.
3. I found the cutest photog in Greenville and her work (like the pic above) will be popping up on my blog. She grabbed a killer snap that is now the cover page on the Olive & Tate Facebook page – haven’t seen it? Oh, you must not be following along! Get over there and hit follow, all of the cool kids are doing it.
4. Holy Hannah. Has anyone else read the new 50 Shades book? Uh. Go ahead and do that, too. You’re welcome.
5. Ok, last thing.
I’m thinking of launching a new, currently sans witty title, blog series where I answer questions directly from the masses. I often get reader questions and occasionally they have become posts, but I thought I might open it up and see if ya’ll have anything that you’d like me to answer directly. Keep in mind that if you ask, I will most definitely answer without a filter (because I don’t have one). Anything is on the table (wanna know how I feel about my C Section scar? where my tatoo is? if I can still fit into my Catholic School uniform? how I choose paint colors? what my Starbucks order is?) and I will post your question (with your name edited, obv) and then my honest answer.
Send me your questions to [email protected] or leave them here!
liked the page on facebk..now answer ALL the questions you mentioned 😉 and any advice on baby-proofing a new home would be appreciated! xo jillian – cornflake dreams
I am so excited to see how the house is coming together! I have a feeling I am going to lust all over it and then get major decor envy. 😉 Your new FB cover photo is gorg! And while I loved the Fifty Shades trilogy and movie..I was skeptical about reading from Christian's point of view, however, I think now I must add it to the reading list!
You are a saint to be living in reno-zone with a baby!
Love your blog!! And the idea of a good Q&A. I know you did a series on flying with an infant in the past but I'm wondering if you have any tips for your actual vaca stay with baby. Like keeping on their schedule I guess and how you manage in the heat. We're headed away next month and I'm already worrying how naps and bedtime will go being away from our nursery, and of course stretching the wake hours to get the most out of our vaca. If that makes any sense at all.. Haha thanks!!
I love Starbucks and am always curious what other people drink from there… So what is your go to drink?
I read your blog all the time but I'm too lazy to comment (lame excuse I know) BUT I just want to say that I LOVE it!
I love the idea of reader questions! Mine is: What are some of the cultural differences you noticed between the North and the South?
The reader question series sounds fun! My friend Amanda over at The Lady Okie answers reader questions in a fun way, and I always love hearing her responses. I'm looking forward to reading yours, too!
Is the new 50 shades book written better than all the last 3? I mean I read them but her writing was awful! Regardless I will probably still be reading…sigh