Every single year it takes me a few weeks to bounce back from the mad dash that is the holiday season. It is typically (and thankfully!) the busiest work season for me but this year was crazy different – while I was slammed with work, it was also the very first year that my little family and I stayed home over Christmas and I was the sole creator of the Christmas Magic.
I’ll be the first to admit that I had no idea how much work, time, pressure and thought went into creating special holidays for my family. Until this year, if we didn’t check a certain experience, meal or activity off the holiday season to do list, I would just hope that my parents or Justin’s parents would make it happen while we were with them. This year, both sets of parents high tailed it out of the country and set sail on vacations for the week of Christmas so making sure we had the right carrots for the reindeer (the raw, ugly kind), the rolls were set out to rise over night and the icing could be dyed just the right shade of Grinch green fell to me. Side note: after wrangling Christmas week, I can safely say that I completely understand why both sets of parents were like “we are so outta here”. Christmas was, of course, perfect and our babies were beyond thrilled with all that went on but, lordy, did I need a nap.
Instead of a nap, we loaded up the car and spent New Years weekend with our best friends in the mountains. We fit 4 families and six kids ages 5 and under in one amazing cabin and spent the weekend playing, eating, drinking and wearing pajamas. To say we are lucky to have an amazing group of friends is an understatement and it was the most fun way we could have ever welcomed 2019.
I spent the first few weeks of 2019 being as basic as possible and binging Marie Kondo, which of course, led to a handful of projects around the house. I re-did our linen closet, medicine cabinet and kid bathroom, spaces that I don’t think has ever been organized post move in. I also tackled cleaning out and organizing my car, which was an abomination after three road trips in the month of December.
Justin and I also made plans for our first true renovation project on our current home: our master bathroom. I’ve been pinning inspiration like crazy but we finally decided on a lay out so next up is to find a contractor in Charlotte. I haven’t shown all of the dirty details yet but our master bath is original to the house, so sporting some 1950’s tile, original pedestal sink and all kinds of crazy/broken/probably not to code electrical work so the renovation is a must. I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but it should be one of our most dramatic before and after’s yet.
I’m still rocking Faster Way to Fat Loss and loving it. I’ve completed two rounds and am keeping up with carb cycling and tracking my macros. I surprised myself and managed to work the plan over the holidays for the most part. I still haven’t tackled any work outs but do feel better about the fact that I’m mindful about what I’m eating. In other taking care of myself news, I’ve decided that, at age 34, it’s time for me to get some sort of skin care routine. I already love the Botox so you would think I would know how to wash and moisturize my face like a grown up, but alas, I do not. I started a new Beauty Counter line-up this week so I’ll report back in a month or so with how the mug is looking.
Both kids are back in preschool/mother’s morning out post the longest holiday break of all time. Georgia got a surprise spot in the 5 mornings a week crew and I jumped on it, so they both now hit the books for 3 hours a morning x 5 days a week. I started the new semester with the intent to make lunches the night before and I’m pleased to report that it’s made school mornings much easier (duh). Gray is going through a particularly intense picky eater phase so he is currently the kid who only eats chips and salsa Lunchables. On the flip side, Georgia has hit a growth spurt and will eat anything and everything put in front of her, so keeping her groceries stocked has been a feat.
January has been slow and good, a month I’ve really loved honestly. Taking the time to get our home and personal lives in order has cleared up so much brain space and emotional weight from my shoulders I kinda feel like a new woman. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a hot mess, but like, a hot mess with one organized closet in her home, so I’m calling it a win!
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So many fun things! I hope 2019 is a great one for your family and precious kiddos!
Girl – follow @oliviagraceskincare on IG! She has the best products and tips ever, I've literally created my entire new skincare routine for morning and evening after her recommendations and I'm loving it! xx
I too need a skin care routine at almost 30! Really looking forward to hearing your results. I tried Rodan & Fields last year but had a reaction to it 🙁
So many fun things! I hope 2019 is a great one for your family and precious kiddos!
Girl – follow @oliviagraceskincare on IG! She has the best products and tips ever, I've literally created my entire new skincare routine for morning and evening after her recommendations and I'm loving it! xx
I too need a skin care routine at almost 30! Really looking forward to hearing your results. I tried Rodan & Fields last year but had a reaction to it 🙁