Gender: Baby Boy
Symptoms: lets see…still rocking the stuffy nose and the allergies, still super exhausted in the afternoons but avoiding naps because despite how tired I am, I’m having a tough time sleeping through the night. The super weird and creepy preggo dreams seem to be gone for now, but the littlest thing will wake me up and keep me up…and then my mind will start to race. Also, I seem to have developed a low tolerance for all of my jewelry….real or costume. I break out in rashes or itch under bracelets, my watch and my rings. It’s a sad day when you have to take the diamonds off because your finger has swollen even more than it already was.
Loving: that on the day I hit 20 weeks I wore my regular Joe’s jeans buttoned and zipped with no assistance from a hair tie, belly band or elastic panel, bagels with cream cheese, fountain Pepsi. Also loving me time. I’m trying to soak in all of the bad reality tv watching, reading of crappy magazines and silence that I can get before baby boy rocks my world.
Maternity Clothes: same as always – saying yes to maternity leggings (so far, the H&M pair are my fave over the Destination Maternity pair because the come up all the way over my bump making it look smoother), maternity tanks (all from Target) and maternity jeans (although some regular ones still fit!). Tops, dresses and jackets are all my regular wardrobe.
P.S. A bunch of you asked about this Maine Tee on Instagram…the company that makes the state tees is The Home T and they make baby, kid and adult tees for every state (I also have a South Carolina version). The company is super cool and donates a portion of their proceeds to Muscular Sclerosis research. Go get one!
Missing Most: wine in large quantities, summer, beer in large quantities, staying up late for fun, being able to get out of cars easily, being able to wear tall boots (I can’t get them off by myself so I gave them up), having lots of energy.
Can’t Wait: to smell him. I know that is so weird, but I think about it all of the time. Literally when I’m in his soon to be nursery and see the little onesies laid out, I want to smell those too because in my crazy pregnancy mind they should smell like newborns. Also dying to see him …will he be dark like me or fair like Justin. Curls like dad or straight fine hair like mom? Tall like mom and athletic like dad? yes please.
P.S. This is not a sponsored post, I own this Maine T and the South Carolina version and wear them tons!
I have a home t and love it too! I noticed that they started making "local" tees as well! I might need to have one of those as well!
I think you should be a pregnancy model! You look beautiful with that cute belly 🙂
So adorable! And I love that you have a section dedicated to your husband, I think its the first time I've seen that. You are rockin that blazer too. 🙂
I love your sweet little bump! Half way mama! I can't wait to feel movement and I totally agree with you about maternity pants going over the belly. The ones that are low make the stomach look awkward!
Do you mind me asking what size you have in the Home T? I have been wanting one for a while but their sizing confuses me – they only show a woman modeling small and x-small and I'm fairly certain I'm neither of those. Thanks! 🙂