How Far Along: 27 weeks
(last week of my second trimester!)
Size of Babe: a cauliflower
Gender: blue
Symptoms: super large and in charge, lots of trips to the bathroom, puffy feet and hands, thick/long hair, some exhaustion, not able to bend or twist well
Loving: black tea lemonade shakers from Starbucks, white cheddar cheese, cake, Dr. Pepper in mini cans, that we are making huge progress on baby boy’s nursery!
Loathing: ugh getting up all night long
Husband: has been so sweet getting baby Gray’s room ready! He has built so many things and has been happy to do so. I’m super grateful for all of his hard work!
Wedding Rings: uh, no
Belly Button: is shockingly still an innie
Movement: oh yes ma’am….once we made it through that exhausting growth spurt, the movement has been all over the place. I think I may have even felt hiccups a few nights ago.
Maternity Clothes: still able to mix and match. The dress in these pics is from Old Navy and is a hand me down. I highly recommend going to snag this if you are pregnant….it is so comfortable! and covers your arms (bonus!). I have good luck at H&M Maternity online and Old Navy Maternity online. ASOS online has great stuff too!
Best Part of the Week: waking up to baby boy’s nursery all put together thanks to my sweet husband’s late night work!
Worst Part of the Week: nothing really to complain about!
Missing Most: can you guess?
yeah, wine.
Can’t Wait For: our trip to Greece! and getting our glucose test over with next week.
You look great! My Henry always had hiccups! He's 6 months and still gets them a few times a week.
Olivia used to hiccup constantly and I love that feeling!!
your photos are darling!
Can't believe its almost the third trimester! Loving that bump! And is that a non-snowy street I see? Yay!
love that dress – you look great! xo jillian – cornflake dreams