8 Lies I Tell Myself
Inspired by the much cooler and funnier than me Colleen
1. I don’t need my wallet or actual cash to pay for my Starbucks, therefor it is free.
I use the app on my phone, which is linked to my Pay Pal account, which is funded by my WC salary.
No cash, no foul.
2. If I buy something that’s on sale, I actually saved money.
Like, I should be acknowledged for putting money in the bank. That’s just economics.
3. Wine doesn’t have calories.
It is also hydrating.
4. If I wear work out clothes instead of pajamas, people will be impressed with my physical fitness and not appalled with my general laziness.
5. If I order take out but put it on my real plates, which I clearly then must put into the dishwasher, then that counts as cooking.
6. When the baby watches TV he’s actually learning.
7. Getting into bed at 8pm and then watching TV and scrolling through Instagram until 11pm is going to bed early.
8. And the best lie of all, after one glass too many, “I’m sure the baby will sleep in tomorrow.”
Well he is learning 😉 haha! Love it and with you about the hydrating qualities of wine ha! X
I just came across your blog and this post is hilarious! Oh, the things we tell ourselves 😉
hahaha!!! I am dining over here. I tell my husband all the time that I am saving him money. 🙂 Love ya girl!
I really ought to put more takeout on plates 🙂 Ha loves this!! PayPal makes me do naughty things!!
Long live the Starbucks app!!!
Not having to swipe your card for anything = free. At least that's what I tell myself when online shopping gets out of hand or I have two venti latte's in one day.
i totalllly try to justify buying something on sale is saving money. because it is. 🙂
xo jillian – cornflake dreams
This is so hilarious… and so true! I'm pretty much with you on all of these lies!
bahaha you crack me up!
Oh my gosh… Too funny and so "true"! I am with you on buying things on sale… They should totally be acknowledged as saving money! I like to remind my husband how bad it could be if I didn't get something on sale ;).
haha yes! I am especially all about #3!
You're definitely not spending any money if you use your phone to pay for Starbucks 😉
liz jo @ sundays with sophie
Oh my gosh! This is amazing. I agree with all of these and LOVE this! Especially #5. I always do that! I don't know why, but I always put take out (of any kind, I even do it with in n out LOL) on regular plates and pretend that it's a home cooked meal! Oh and don't get my started on the Starbucks app… if I just scan my phone, I didn't really use real money, right?