The Willow Crowns Fall Collection launches in exactly 24 hours and I am working it, honey. While Meg slaved away during the entire month of August to stock over 700 (?!) pieces of inventory, I mostly sat back and watched her work. Sadly, my time as a Lady of Leisure and Supervisor Extraordinaire has rapidly come to end and it’s time for me to earn my keep.
We love this collection so hard and I can’t wait for everyone to get their hands on it – the leathers in this collection are really spectacular and I’m having so much fun whipping up the product descriptions for each color and set.
Tomorrow will be a wild ride (you can read my minute by minute Summer Collection Launch Day live stream here) and the second that it’s over, it’s time to hustle up on the Holiday Collection (send all of the Starbucks, pronto).
P.S. Meg wrote a little post about our week together in Maine last week and she was kind enough to leave out just how many times we devoured a little dish called the Queso Skillet
(you didn’t hear it from me but I think the grand total is four. Four Queso Skillets.)
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700 pieces?! Wow!! Glad I could help y'all even just a little! 🙂 Good luck with the launch!
Woo Hoo!! Excited for the launch!
Oh my goodness your headbands are gorgeous! I need one!