Thank you BJ’s Wholesale Club for sponsoring this post.
Let’s face it: my love for leggings runs strong. I’ve never hidden my love for black yoga pants, wearing them loud and proud as the basic leggings wearing, Starbucks drinking mom that I am, so I was a little surprised the other day when my husband caught a peek at me slapping on a pair and asked, “babe, do you really wear black leggings in the Summer? It’s so hot!”. Oh husband, heat is no match for my love of leggings (and yes, we live in the South, it is more than hot around here). But his question got me thinking – I guess it is sort of illogical to wear black, form fitting, long pants in the Summer but my devotion runs deep and my list of reasons to wear leggings even in the depths of July is long.
Behold, 5 Reasons I (Still) Wear Those Leggings, Even In the Summer
1. I slept in them
Summer is insanely physically demanding on a mama with young kids. Ever seen a mom at the splash pad carry her baby and drag her pre-schooler by his swimmies to the edge after Lifeguard Break is called? Yeah, that mama is me, and I am bone tired by the end of the day. I love the feelings of slipping on a pair of my softest leggings and crashing hard, mouth open, drool pouring, for the night. Even better, I love knowing that when I wake in the morning, I can load everyone up with the sleep in my eyes and the pants on my rear and head to coffee without taking a detour to my closet.
2. My skin needs a break from all that exposure
And by exposure, I don’t mean sun, I mean all of that exposure to, like, public viewing. Sometimes my skin misses it’s less viewed Winter days, especially when I skip shaving for a day or four. What can I say? I rarely get a shower that lasts long enough to condition my hair, let alone to whip out a razor.
3. I can’t stop collecting them
Literally, I can (and do!) buy leggings on my grocery run! The pair I’m wearing is the perfect fit, hitting just above my belly button, thick enough to conceal lumps and bumps but thin enough to be soft and has the cutest perforated detail pattern from the knees to the ankles. And they cost me an entire $5. Yep, five whole dollars for a pair of pants that go anywhere and are waiting for me on my diaper stock up trip to BJ’s Wholesale Club.
I know when you think “wholesale” you think of a week’s worth of paper towels and ten thousand juice boxes (wait, just me?), but you really should swing through the BJ’s clothing department ASAP. I recently snagged the leggings and top I’m wearing in the photo (total cost for both pieces: $11) and a super cute Reebok outfit for Gray to wear to Super Hero Gymnastics Camp this week. Please look at how excited he is for his “super fast hero outfit”:
See? You need to hit those clothing racks at BJ’s and see what’s happening – the workout gear, newly expanded kids clothes, baby pajamas and women’s lounge sections are my fave and I also have a ton of luck with socks and undies for my hubby there, too.
If you don’t happen to have a BJ’s in your area, you can always shop their products on their website to ensure that you’re maximizing your budget (BJ’s is the only wholesale retailer to take manufacturer’s coupons!) and saving on the things you need. If you’re not yet a BJ’s member, click here to get on that!
4. I’m dropping my kids at the gym daycare
But let me be clear here: not to work out. I’m just there for that glorious two hour break gifted to me by joining a family gym and, to be honest, I’m not quite sure that I even know where the cardio equipment is. Despite my lack of athleticism, I still want to look the part so gym clothes it is, starring my favorite leggings and a sports bra that doesn’t poke me with underwire. In case you’re wondering, I’ll probably sit in a chair in the lobby and tackle my emails but I can promise that you won’t find me on a treadmill.
5. I’m already sweating
While I do appreciate my Husband’s concern over impending heat stroke, long pants or not, I’m sweating in a North Carolina summer. Might as well embrace it and look active and sporty while I do it. Maybe people will think I did actually work out for those two hours that I hid at the gym.
I'm struggling this week with my previously great sleeper 3-year-old who is now part-demon and taking 2.5 hours to go to sleep at night and it's just been a rough week or two. I just wanted to say thanks for the realness and chuckles.